Thursday, August 12, 2010

South African question

In 100 words or less, briefly describe the planning implications of one issue facing post-Apartheid South Africa .

Feel free to respond to this question as part of your six blog (four for 337) contributions.


  1. Katherine (Katie) Round 4643038August 14, 2010 at 12:19 PM

    A key issue is the uneven distribution of wealth across the country and within settlements. Huge inequalities were created under Apartheid which led to many areas outside cities becoming pockets of degradation and poverty. This is a continuing issue which has been escalated through 50% of local government experiencing a mismanagement of funds as well as corruption (as illustrated in lecture). The planning implications of this are to somehow establish economic opportunities in these areas of poverty to assist in decentralizing wealth from the main cities and create equitable outcomes. Solutions could include creating conditions to attract private investment and industries into these areas of poverty (ie. sufficient infrastructure, stable government and economically attractive land use spatial plans).

  2. Larissa (lara) ClarkeAugust 17, 2010 at 5:37 PM

    South Africa faces many challenges in the 21st century due to the cultural, political and social history of the country. AIDS is one of the main issues facing South Africa in the 21st century, it is responsible for a high annual death toll, a life expectancy of 49 years of age and high rates of orphans. This leads to planning implications encompassing cultural/social, economical and environmental considerations.
    Socially and cultural there exist issues to do with education and leadership in the struggle to educate citizens as to how aids is transmitted and common spiritual or tribal beliefs as to potential cures(further exacerbating the problem), this has implications for planning education and publications as well as health care infrastructure, including having adequate numbers of health care professionals. There are also social issues concerning families that lose their key bread winner or children lose both parents; what is there in place to provide and even identify these situations.
    Economically a large portion of the work force are affected by AIDS significantly reducing potential productivity as well as a large portion of funding being required to provide for the other aspects of dealing with the epidemic. There is also a disconnect between the treatment of AIDS and funding or initiatives to prevent further spread of AIDS.
    Environmental implications also exist in relation to the disposal of hazardous materials, needles and hospital waste from communities and aids centres without adequate infrastructure to contain and remove these wastes. Boarder environmental implications exist in relation to the focus of spending; if AIDS remains the key issue the environment may take a back seat. These areas will have a large impact on planning in post Apartheid South Africa

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In South Africa the apartheid ideals; whilst abolished still significantly influence urban planning. There is still ingrained with defined areas where certain races currently reside and inequalities. Planning needs to focus on disestablishing this but it also needs the influence of the political system. By addressing this embedded segregation and inequalities it can move to address other planning issues such to do with community and economic development for the disenfranchised. A key method to alleviate this inequality is to provide affordable housing and connect communities to essential infrastructure. However – all the current issues facing South Africa can be traced back to corruption and poor management. If these were reduced, even slightly; this would free up a significant amount more capital to invest in the people who need and deserve it.

  5. Keaton 4928818

    A hugely significant area of post apartheid South African planning or the need for is found in Government corruption. Bribing police, drugs, sex, extortion are all part of local and central government even in South Africa today.

    But how do we change something so ingrained in a society? I believe the answer lies in sucessful coertion directed by effective policy. This will however never rectify the problems of administration in the police force and the fact that a bribe from a druglord can outweigh what he could earn in half a year.
    This presents a number of considerations for contemporary planning; how related is the welfare system and quality of living of individuals related to corruption in the county? If a policeman could comfortably provide for himself and his children would he take a bribe?

    In my opinion a bottom up approach is necessary in South Africa to stem corruption; starting at the the route of the problem, poverty. Solve this [as difficult a concept as this is] and corruption will follow.

  6. There are many planning implications that face post-Apartheid South Africa. A key challenge is how to improve basic living standards of those who have been dispossessed during the years of apartheid. Now faced with the realities of democracy and world market economies, poverty and inequality are still a high concern. If there is strong focus on economic growth, poverty and inequality may respond differently. Focusing on growth could see a decrease in poverty, however may increase inequality. The challenge to improve basic living conditions will be the balancing of both economic and social needs.

  7. Yu Ying Viena Jiang (4593106)August 30, 2010 at 3:15 PM

    South Africa faces many challenges which are directly or indirectly influence by post apartheid. There are many issues such as bribing police, drugs, sex, extortion are all local issues in South Africa. The living standard of South Africa is key challenge. The terrible unplanned living environment causes more social and economic issues. From the lecture, the picture shows there are not any urban management in the city. The housing built close to each other without proper materials which will bring health problem for the society. The unplanned residential area will bring social and economic adverse effects. The waste management in South Africa need to improve in order to upgrade the living environment. There are few points need to consider, such as property right, zoning, as well as the post apartheid.

  8. Anita Kulasic 4876931

    South Africa faces many challenges after the apartheid that has influenced the challenges one way or another. A issue that i believe is huge is the living standards. Due to unplanned living environments it causes social and economic issues. People do not have safe or clean living conditions which leads to diseases being spread and people getting sick. Jobs are limited because none of the major corporations are located close to the slums they are all in the bigger cities such as Cape Town for example. There is social segregation in South Africa, there are the very rich and then the very poor, middle class seems to be limited. The living condition issues leads to many other issues, therefore if living conditions are improved by getting better houses, waste management is properly managed to name a few then other issues such as health would decrease too.

    One question that i have is, South Africa hosted the Fifa World Cup 2010 and made millions of dollars from it, why do they not use some of that money to help the people in need?

    I believe it all comes down to selfishness and greed and the person behind it all wants to become wealthier.

  9. Nardia Yozin (4677369)October 6, 2010 at 7:11 PM

    I feel that the most major issue that is facing planning in South Africa is the emotional implications of what happened to the people. Yes there is crime, abuse, health issues and corruption. But what do you expect considering what the country as a whole has been through. These issue all stem from the emotional state of the people. The history of the country has obviously had a very detrimental effect on all people, and this has greatly affected the current behaviour, actions and outcomes.
    A quote from Desmond Tutu states:
    "What's happened to us?" "Perhaps we didn't realise just how apartheid damaged us so that we seem to have lost our sense of right and wrong."
    I think the biggest issue facing Planning is dealing with what was left behind after apartheid. Democracy is only about 16 odd years old. That is very young and obviously little time has passed for the government to deal effectively with the resulting issues of no longer having the system of Apartheid. From a Planning point of view, I think Policy is useless. These problems exist within the communities, and only through grassroots involvement these issues can be brought to light and dealt with in a way that empowers those who feel that they have nothing left.

  10. Jake (4969505)said...

    Like many African nations it seems that South Africa is subject to widespread corruption in the public sector. This type of corruption has huge social and economic impacts which usually hit the poorest people the most. Planners in South Africa must deal with ensuring the best outcomes for the south African people however this good work can be easily undone. For example a planner may be working on improving the living conditions in a poor slum area however if a powerful and wealthy south African businessman wants to use that land for his factory there he could just slip money to a corrupt politician or planner and within weeks the slum could be demolished.

  11. Brogan Perkins

    One of the main issues facing south africa today is that the Black population is around 80% of south africas population however have a land ownership/tenure of around 13%. This has been due to many factors but one significant one has been the placement of the black population in native reserves. This has had several implications even on the government funding system. The native reserves are being moved further and further from the business sector as the dutch wanted to live near their works. Now subsidised busing is in place to cope with this illogical system. How will planning over come this to encourage those living in native reserves to move closer to their work places and increase home ownership. This will need to overcome the fact that these people are currently living in well established communities, the government will need to come up with incentives built in as a planning tool.

  12. Minkyung Ko (4801104)October 15, 2010 at 12:39 AM

    Government Issue can be one of the implications of planning, I think the key issue is how the new government of South Africa continue to do the presidential system that can be attributed to the causes of racial harmonisation and national incorporation. The new government of South Africa has dealt with that to settle the subject of nation or state building through the change from authoritarian and dictatorial system towards the democratic consolidation. For achieving the goal of nation, the post-Apartheid South Africa has made an opportunity for both Parliament and the legal system to play a constructive role in checking and balancing the presidential power in excess. However, the black government of South Africa still has sought to support the power and authority of president through the transfer of political structure and planning system.

  13. The local planning in South Africa has been influenced by political, social and cultural issues. But one of the key issues that South Africa has been facing is the institutional issue within the governance system. Although there have been plans made to address issues related to spatial planning, urban management and human settlements, and increasing opportunities for public participation, however the delivering of the plan still highly affected by political forces that outcome of the plans does not always consistent with the objectives or goals that first initiated. Also the lack of capital resource, professional capability and inexperience of the councilors also undermine the delivering of the plan to be effective enough to adequate address public issues. Changes have to be done in order to improve the quality of local planning thereby the health issues, political issues and social issue haunting the well being of society can be addressed properly and improved.

  14. Diana Luong - 4904277

    An issue that has planning implications for post apartheid south Africa is the racial inequality that was established during apartheid. The effects from this regime where blacks were the minority is still seen today where a large majority of blacks are poor and live in shanties whereas the rich live in gated communities in houses. This shows the unequal distribution of resources among South Africans. The planning implications can be seen were planning results in the rich having better lives and the poor becoming worse off because they live in unsanitary and unsafe environments (not gated like the rich areas). The shanties have no basic sanitation and water and violence rates are high. The poor are becoming worse off because of the problem of aids and their living conditions allows the spreading of the disease. Also there is uncontrolled population growth where poor migrants either move in from neighboring countries or South Africans moving to certain popularized centers and they set up shanties too. Hence the planning in South Africa needs to address the living conditions of the poor and try to prevent increases in shanty numbers from poor migrants.

  15. One of the most pertinent issues left over from Apartheid is the imbalance between those who were advantaged by Apartheid and those who were disadvantaged. Those who were advantaged have access to the wealth, power, and knowledge that is needed to recreate a successful planning system. However, in post-Apartheid many of these people are leaving South Africa to avoid ‘reverse discrimination’. This loss of skills will have a negative impact as there are less resources/knowledge to help teach people who have little to no experience in planning. Furthermore, separation between groups has diminished trust and communication between communities and levels of authority. Tensions between decision makers and the community hinder successful planning outcomes. Mistrust can lead to corruption which severely reduces opportunities for development.

  16. Kimberley Edmonds - 4992625

    A paramount issue that faces post-Apartheid South Africa today is the major inequalities that exist. Slum areas such as Soweto experience severe troubles such as health, crime and inadequate housing comparatively to the wealthier areas of South Africa. The implication of these inequalities is that major urban planning and policy needs to be implemented at a large and diverse scale. The fairly recently established Integrated Development Plans are helping to address these urban issues via planning. However extensive government corruption means that the socio-economic gap is still wide and the fact that local governments in South Africa are autonomous may contribute to the pervading climate of corruption. Another challenge facing planning in South Africa are the government employees themselves and their planning knowledge. A lecture slide stated ‘about two thirds of local councillors are first-term, a quarter second-term and 5% third-term’, thus inexperience is common.
