Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog 9: Nigeria

How do you see Nigeria in the next 10 years with and without a solution to the urban challenges of today?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog Question 8: Australia

Blog question 8: Australia has a complex government structure, and when governments change, top civil servants can often be changed as the new administration comes into power. Arguably, Australia also has an integrated national, state and city governance approach to urban development. Using infrastructure and development as an example, describe how these features influence urban land use in good and possibly bad ways.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog 7: Pacific Islands & tourism

You are a planner contracted through New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. You have been asked to spend three months designing a tourism strategy for a small Pacific Island nation of 250,000 people. What issues would you want to address, and what do you think would be the main approach of your strategy?